Independent Regional Advocacy Service Inc. (IRASI) (formerly Ipswich Regional Advocacy Service Inc.) advocates and supports people to uphold their human and legal rights. Taking a person-centred approach, IRASI assists the most vulnerable and marginalised people in the community to make informed decisions about their lives.
Our service footprint extends from the Ipswich Local Government Area (LGA) to inner South West LGA's of Lockyer, Scenic Rim, and Somerset. As a not-for-profit organisation IRASI gratefully acknowledges funding from the Queensland Departments of Communities, Housing and the Digital Economy, and Health. We also gratefully acknowledge funding from Disability Advocacy Network of Australia.
Our Management Guidelines
Compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and standards;
Effective strategic planning;
Risk management;
Consistently high service standards;
Honouring people through advocacy;
Effective communications with clients;
Valuing and developing employees;
Continuous improvement.
Our 30 Year History
1991 - West Moreton Housing Resource Service Incorporated
2001 - Renamed Ipswich Tenancy Advocacy Services Inc (ITASI)
2006 - Disability Advocacy Services to South West Region
2006 - Renamed Ipswich Regional Advocacy Services Inc (IRASI)
2010 - Mental Health Advocacy Service
2011 - Ipswich flood impact and recovery
2012 - Lobbied to retain tenant advocacy program to 2013
2013 - Facilitated 1st Under 1 Roof Ipswich collaborative
2014 - Tenant advocacy cuts: program continued with skeleton staff plus volunteers
2014 - Partnered 'Floresco' Community Managed Mental Health program
2016 - Tenant advocacy funded through QSTARS program
2017 - Adopted Quality Management System
2020 - Disability Royal Commission funding
2021- Lobbied to retain Independent Disability Advocacy beyond June 30 2021
Our Social Justice Profile
Participation in community networks includes Ipswich Case Coordination Group (formerly Under 1 Roof Ipswich), Housing and Homelessness Network, West Moreton Mental Health Collaborative (WMMHC); Ipswich Suicide Prevention and Awareness Network (ISPAN); and the Local Level Alliance (LLA).